This is one article in a series that cover how to use PowerShell scripts to automatically install SQL Server. The full script set can be found here.
Service Accounts are a requirement for installing and running a SQL Server. For many years Microsoft has recommended that each SQL Server service be run as a separate low-rights Windows account. Where possible, the current recommendation is to use Managed Service Accounts (MSA) or Group Managed Service Accounts (
To create the service account(s) in Active Directory using PowerShell, the PowerShell Remote Server Administration Tools for Active Directory (Windows 10 or Server 2016) needs to be installed on the computer running the PowerShell script. Once the RSAT tools have been installed, the Active Directory management module can be imported into the current session using the Import-Module ActiveDirectory command.
# Import the AD tools into the current session Import-Module ActiveDirectory;
The domain name will also be needed to create the service accounts. This can be found using the Get-ADDomain commandlet.
# Get Domain Name $DomainName = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot;
In order to create the service accounts in the domain, an account with Domain Admin permissions is needed. The current user account probably doesn’t have these permissions, so we’ll prompt for RunAs (Admin) account credentials.
# Get admin credential to run scripts Write-Output “Enter RunAs (Admin) credentials.” $pscred = Get-Credential;
In a previous post, we covered how to use a JSON file to provide parameter values to a PowerShell script. Next, we’ll import a JSON file that contains a list of our servers & service account information, into a PowerShell variable ($Config).

[string]$ConfigJSON = “C:\Install\Config.json”; # Load JSON Config File $Config = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content -Path “$ConfigJSON” -Raw);
Now we can store the server names & account information into their own variables.
# Get the server names [array]$ServerList = (($Config).Servers).ServerName # Get gMSA names $gMSANames = ((($Config).Accounts).Services).Where{$_.AccountType -eq “gMSA”};
Next, we can use a
ForEach ($Name in $gMSANames) { $Acct = $Name.Username; $AcctDNS = “$Acct.$DomainName” $gMSA_HostNames = $ServerList | ForEach-Object { Get-ADComputer -Identity $_ }; # Create new gMSA New-ADServiceAccount -Name $Acct -DNSHostName $AcctDNS -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword $gMSA_HostNames; Write-Output “gMSA Created: $Acct”; Set-ADServiceAccount -Identity $Acct -TrustedForDelegation $true; }

Enabling delegation does create a potential security issue. StealthBits has a good article about this
Once the service accounts have been created in AD, we need to install them locally on each of the servers where they will be used. To install the service accounts onto each server, the Install-ADServiceAccount commandlet needs to be run locally on each server. To accomplish this, we’ll use a script block that will add/import the RSAT tools and Active Directory module, and then install the account.
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Powershell; Import-Module ActiveDirectory; Write-Output “Add gMSA: $gMSA”; Install-ADServiceAccount $gMSA;
To install multiple service accounts on multiple SQL servers, we’ll use two nested
ForEach ($Server in $ServerList) { Write-Output “Executing on server: $Server”; ForEach ($Name in $gMSANames) { $Acct = ($Name).Username; $MSAblock = @” Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Powershell; Import-Module ActiveDirectory; Write-Output “Add gMSA: $Acct”; Install-ADServiceAccount $Acct; “@; write-output “Add gMSA: $Acct”; # Install gMSA on the SQL Server Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock {$MSAblock} -Credential $pscred; } }
Once the service accounts have been created and installed, we can confirm that they are ready by running: Test-ADServiceAccount <account name> on each server.

Here’s the full script:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory; # Get Domain Name $DomainName = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot; # Get admin credential to run scripts Write-Output “Enter RunAs (Admin) credentials.” $pscred = Get-Credential; [string]$ConfigJSON = “C:\Install\Config.json”; # Load JSON Config File $Config = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content -Path “$ConfigJSON” -Raw); # Get the server names [array]$ServerList = (($Config).Servers).ServerName # Get gMSA names $gMSANames = ((($Config).Accounts).Services).Where{$_.AccountType -eq “gMSA”}; # Create the AD service accounts ForEach ($Name in $gMSANames) { $Acct = $Name.Username; $AcctDNS = “$Acct.$DomainName” $gMSA_HostNames = $ServerList | ForEach-Object { Get-ADComputer -Identity $_ }; # Create new gMSA New-ADServiceAccount -Name $Acct -DNSHostName $AcctDNS -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword $gMSA_HostNames; Write-Output “gMSA Created: $Acct”; Set-ADServiceAccount -Identity $Acct -TrustedForDelegation $true; } ForEach ($Server in $ServerList) { Write-Output “Executing on server: $Server”; ForEach ($Name in $gMSANames) { $Acct = ($Name).Username; $MSAblock = @” Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Powershell; Import-Module ActiveDirectory; Write-Output “Add gMSA: $Acct”; Install-ADServiceAccount $Acct; “@; write-output “Add gMSA: $Acct”; # Install gMSA on the SQL Server Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock {$MSAblock} -Credential $pscred; } }
You do not have to be in the Domain Admin group to create and modify AD Users – I’m not sure what the perms are, but this code is wrong:
If ($WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole(“Domain Admins”)) {
ForEach ($Name in $gMSANames) {
$Acct = $Name.Username;
But nice code – I am reviewing all of it as I was working on something similar.
Yes, technically an account can be delegated permissions to create MSA/gMSA at the sub-OU level. However, most of the small/medium-sized businesses that I know have smaller IT groups where they just use the Domain Admins group.
More relevantly, by default to create (g)MSA accounts specifically, you *do* need the Domain Admin role because only that role has permission to write to the Managed Service Account OU. Any administrators with knowledge to structure their gmsa deployments more intelligently ( -Path “OU=YournewOU,ou=yourtree,dc=yourdomain,dc=yourtld” ) will probably have suitable awareness to adjust the code here to their requirements and not just execute blindly.. I hope. 🙂